Downloads Manual NoV-32 SW Título 3 New hardware SECCIÓN 3 SECCIÓN 4 |
New kid on the block.
As I finished first Clonix and NoVRAM production run, back in February '05, it was my intention to develop a new module with as much as 48K ROM and 64K RAM. This project will require a new microcontroller, as well as a new double sided PCB which, fortunatelly, can be built in such way that backwards Clonix & NoVRAM compatibility would be preserved. The only step on the whole process that falls out of my direct control is the need of a new version of the programming software (IC-Prog) required to handle the new 18LF2620 microcontroller. As of mid July '05 it was clear that this new version will take a while to see the light. In the meantime I had received some mails requesting about the Clonix/NoVRAM reappearance. So I decided to buil this intermediate module between NoVRAM and the expected NoV-64. It handles its 32K RAM in a way much like the NoV-64 will do, i.e. the users have enable/disable control over it and, even more relevant, this contron is effective while the calculator is running using a single control word at address H'4100... (yes it's in page #4, and yes it's been consciously chosen as "41" is a very easy number for all of us to remember and key in... ;-) |